import java.util.Arrays;/** * Source : * * Created by lverpeng on 2017/7/12. * * Given a sorted array, remove the duplicates in place such that each element appear * only once and return the new length. * * Do not allocate extra space for another array, you must do this in place with constant memory. * * For example, * Given input array A = [1,1,2], * * Your function should return length = 2, and A is now [1,2]. */public class RemoveDuplicates { /** * * 因为是有序的,所以如果有重复的元素一定是相邻的,只要判断相邻的不相等的个数就知道不重复的元素个数 * * @param num * @return */ public int remove (int[] num) { int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num.length - 1; i++) { if (num[i] != num[i + 1]) { num[pos] = num[i]; pos++; } } System.out.println(Arrays.toString(num)); // 另外加上最后一个元素 return pos + 1; } public static void main(String[] args) { RemoveDuplicates removeDuplicates = new RemoveDuplicates(); int[] arr = new int[]{1,1,2}; int[] arr1 = new int[]{1,1,1,2}; int[] arr2 = new int[]{1,1,22,22,22,33}; System.out.println(removeDuplicates.remove(arr)); System.out.println(removeDuplicates.remove(arr1)); System.out.println(removeDuplicates.remove(arr2)); }}